GPS Coordinates to Property: 38.3359492632, -105.478671476
Instruction on how to get to the property:
The above GPS coordinates will get you with in 3 miles of the property, here are the final instruction.
Go straight across 18x, you will pass a road going right in about .03 miles, then you will pass a road going left and right you keep going straight. In .12 miles you hit a fork in the road, keep left. Now you are on the road that leads straight to the property, however you will see a gate and a bunch of private property signs, push forward and keep going there are houses back their. The GPS coordinates below will take you to the property. There is a Map Photo in the picture section to help guide.
GPS Coordinates Approximate Center of Property: 38.3327831904, -105.475248233
Approximate GPS Corners:
Northwast Corner: 38.3332560198, -105.475788055
Northeast Corner: 38.3332599289, -105.474671399
Southwest Corner: 38.3323979242, -105.475795046
Southeast Corner: 38.332391804, -105.474700557